Wednesday 15 November 2017

Tipsy Affairs by Anonymous

I'm a curious soul, I think about a lot of things, I wonder why people do stuff, for example: Like getting drunk.. I wonder why people get drunk. What's the fun in having a terrible headache the next morning, throwing up all over your shoes and almost getting into an accident just for fun. I'm not judging though bruvs..

One night, I went to a party. My first party with a bunch of girls. Of course, awkward me, I wore my tightest pair of jeans and a sweater(to which I regret because the fan blew selfishly). The girls tried to get me wear something soft and short but me being me, I ran.

Arriving at the party, this guy I consider to be quite the specimen hands us Red party cups(very original yea?), there's no music playing, just bunch of rough and tough looking boys getting high on strange things. It was a small dimly lit room, a big bed in the corner, a 'DJ stand'(which is actually a small table with a laptop,  music box) in another corner, a young girl hanging on to her ugly boyfriend in another corner.

Did I mention, our cups were filled with something our piece of specimen called mixed and diluted? No, I didn't. Now I have. That didn't affect any of us much, except Chrissy(not real name) who started giggling by the time she was done with that cup. I allowed Specimen fill my cup two more times, I helped my friends with their drinks while giggling and drooling over the 'DJ', who upon viewing with clear eyes, I came to the realization that I was DRUNK! AND OUTTA MY MIND. Not saying he ugly, just wondering what's there to drool over. He was playing Trap music all through, that's how and where I got infected with the 'Trap Bug'.

I tried to act not drunk, and before I could have the chance to get involved in a game of dangerous truth or dare which will probably end up with me pregnant and suicidal, my dearest girlfriends dragged me away from Club High. They looked like potential rapists anyway, and Migos just without the tattoos and dreads.

At home, or rather the home of these girls, I call my 'boyfriend' to tell him I love him, I call my other guy friends too to tell them I love them, I cry about the girl who broke my heart and call out for 'DJ' boy to come take me home.

I saw him the next morning, he said he had come like my 'knight in shining armor' but I was 'Sleeping Beauty' in a locked room. He had called, the gadget rang but I heard it not.. It was next to my head.

Unlike the movies, I didn't wake up with a headache, I remembered half of the shiz I did mainly because I listened to voice notes of all the stupid things I said, apart from that sha.. I could still recall in bits.

No hangovers, no vomiting.. I was just chill. I felt like my friend D, when he's high. Chill and all embracing of nature.
Guess, it's not always like the movies.


Or you can do whatever the cupcake you want, it's all up to you..

      Yours Truly
        Bish the Anonymous

-When was the last time you did something for the first time?

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