Saturday 18 November 2017

Learning About Full Consent

Warning : Explicit Content : Lots of F-words

* * * *
Legal sex is when you say yes with your heart and mouth.
Illegal sex is when you unwillingly say yes because they are not giving you an option.

This is someone you trust.
This is your friend.
This is someone you admire.

Lucky for you, you remembered to finger the pain the way.
So when he came like a known stranger,
It didn't hurt as much.
You faked ecstasy thinking if you acted like pleasure made you tired,
He'd stop.

No, he continued.
He fucked your innocence into a hole full of more fucks to come.

Till today, you wonder why you didn't scream.
Even if there was no one home.
3 years later, you feel like you betrayed your own self.

Still, even with the most experienced
Sex feels like a lost cause.
So you fake your way through one time stands, porn and hook ups with your best friends.

Romantic foreplay is so much better.
Yet skip the I love you's
That means nothing to a
Dysfunctional bitch lover with a big heart.

Today, they tell you..
You had a choice, but you remember his strong grip and how he gulit-tripped you into his cousin's bed.

Asked you why you let him beg for what's his.
This is your body we're talking about.
Those soft sagging breasts
Diamond encrusted back
And stretch mark filled ass is his...
Was his.

Today is a new year
Your body is yours.
So you touch yourself to an unreachable orgasm
Fuck your way way to Pretence-ville
And you come out without cumming, flip them the finger and listen to them call you
A heartless bitch.

What was his name again?
You don't remember.
I know you do, hope you don't forget later and name your son after the devil.

That is, if you're not afraid to have children.

-What's your biggest fear?


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