Monday 11 December 2017


We can never always get what we want or who we want. We wish for many things that sometimes never get to come to us. Money, love, friends.. A good life. Some of us have planned our lives in such perfect arrangement, even up until the day we are going to die. Sadly, life never gives us all we want, even if it does give us what we want, it's either half of it or maybe nothing at all.

Secret is to not expect too much out of life, expect good things but be prepared for the bad things that will come along because nothing good comes easy. Come to think of it, it's all these that make life interesting. What would life be like if everything came easy? What's life without a little hustle, a little traffic, a little pain... A little sorrow. These things give life extra meaning, something to fight for you know...

It's up to you to learn from these. Learn from mistakes and experiences, they'll help you get though the next phase of life which would probably be more difficult. They say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Enjoy life too, make the most out of all of it. You only live once remember? Instead of wasting time complaining and contemplating why life treats you the way it does, you could go out with the few real friends you have and learn a little about the good side of life. Discover, be part of something new or old. There's so much out there hiding under all that badness. Just live it out. It doesn't get any easier.

1 comment:

Written In Haste With Sweaty Palms

She was an emotional, manipulative yet loyal, angry and hungry poet with trust issues and a sense of humour she didn't know about. Her p...